Friday, August 21, 2009

Should I be quitting?

The toughest part of starting own business is to not know how tomorrow is going to be...
And probably the most boring part of a salaried life... is to be doing the same thing over and over again...
to know what tomorrow is like...

Having been a salaried employee for sometime...
it is getting pretty hard on me...
not knowing how things are going to turn out...

its a mixed baggage...
excitement over the things that are in store...
confusion about leaving job...
anxiety over the future of 'NutryFoods'...

I do not know... what is in store for me...
I just trust my instinct to guide me through...
I always have... and it has never failed me...

Yet its not simple or straightforward...

Its like being in a trance...
live in a world... that i am trying to create...
You forget that you are having a bath...
You dont notice the airhostess whom you had met before...
You forget that you are travelling to some place...

At these times it has helped me
To have set some deadlines quite early...
To have found people who believe in me...
To be from an institute that will never fail to provide me daily bread...
To have a family that trusts you...

I wish this headache would just go away!!!!


  1. I am interested in your idea. But being a customer your 2 days trial food will be crucial and window for me to assess difference between promise and delivery.
    Best of luck!!

  2. Hi Arpit,

    We will provide the free trial.

    Please let us know where to deliver.


  3. Dear ravi,

    can you pls pass on the number of the tiffin service catering to b'pet and punjagutta?

    Radhika (
